





honestly its so fucked up that we here in the USA don’t even see how big of a deal declaring martial law is because our police are already as heavily militarized as the actual military that we can’t even tell the difference.

I’m pretty sure one heavy vest and an M16 with one attachment is a lot to you but its nothing compared to out military wearing 2 heavy duty vest with a steel plate in it and an LMG with a 200 round capacity and anti tank missiles. Yea…there totally on the same level. Next time you see your local police with a missile launcher hit me up

i’ve definitely seen police vehicles with machine guns on the top. the reason the police don’t have to use missile launchers is because the government already ensured no one would have them by making them illegal. look up the 1033 program and quit being a smartass.

Plus, militarization is just as much an attitude thing as a material thing. You can see it in how cops talk about the public- “dangerous streets” “need to be controlled” “a constant threat” (all direct quotes from cops I know, btw).
Police approach policing as armed enforcers who are above the law, and who use violence freely- even when there’s no law broken, they just feel “disrespected” (there was one incident that got famous for this, a black woman who was arrested for ‘talking back’ to a cop).
Police treat themselves like a military.

As someone who was IN the military, you bet your ass that we would DAMN WELL need to have a damn good reason before we pulled HALF the shit police do, or we’d be up in front of our chain of command and getting busted rank so fast it would make our heads spin. Police get away with a heckuva lot more than the military does.

Also like, just because they don’t have missiles doesn’t mean they aren’t militarized you fuckass, the UK is declaring martial law, and they ain’t got missile launchers they have giant fucking machine guns, like hmm who does that sound like… oh yeah the USA’s regular police force. 

get fucked. @toddtheunicorn

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