
I’ve seen a couple posts talking about how Trump just declared May 1st (known around the world as International Worker’s Day, or May Day) “Loyalty Day”, and how that is super dystopian, but just remember – every single U.S. President since 1958 has declared May 1st “Loyalty Day” in the United States.  This isn’t a new thing. That’s how scared the empire is of workers self-organizing and grassroots movements based on mutual aid.



men reviewing a male filmmaker’s movie: if you can’t understand the poeticism of this movie’s slow pacing, then maybe you are not ready to understand cinema!

men reviewing a female filmmaker’s movie: not a lot happened. 0/10 wack

Men reviewing men: “A deeply moving, personal journey.”

Men reviewing women: “Too personal.”

A Missouri Town Exiled A Woman For Calling The Police On Her Abusive Ex


This goes for men too so nobody wins but the cop that doesn’t feel like doing their job. I understand that domestic violence cases are a pain since it’s most likely just going to repeat and repeat but save a life or lives. Domestic dispute could be a man beating a woman, a woman beating a man, or someone publicizing their children. How does this help America’s families???

A Missouri Town Exiled A Woman For Calling The Police On Her Abusive Ex

Things they don’t tell you about being a first time wheelchair user in highschool



Literally everyone will ask if you broke your leg(s). Everyone. Even people you don’t know. Theyll ask a lot and think you’re extremely fragile.

bruises show up within the first day of rolling around, and they can really suck

people will try to grab your chair if they think you’re struggling and it can be hard not to snap at them for it

static electricity is a huge issue. You will probably either continuously shock your leg when you’re rolling around or do what I did today and zap someone so hard as you pass that both of you nearly keel over

people will call you out as a faker if you do anything even remotely fun ever on your wheelchair. Wheelies? Obviously your legs are fine lol not like you have to go down fucking curbs /s

puddles are the worst and if there’s a curb with a puddle all around and you have some ability to walk its a better idea to just stand up and navigate the chair than to fall backwards into said puddle

weird looks from people are inevitable, especially from people who don’t like you

bus drivers will often push your chair and give you advise you don’t want to hear, even if you tell them nicely you can push yourself. Its really hard not to get mad at them for it

no wheelies in school. Though if you do it in the elevator when no one else is with you you can’t really get caught.

speaking of wheelies, always be ready to throw at least one arm behind you in case you fall. They say tuck your chin in but its easier and more reliable to throw your hands back and keep your neck up so you don’t hit the floor. Sore arms are way easier to put up with than head injuries

don’t even bother to try and roll back up curbs. You will either be there for an hour or fall backwards. I managed to do both.

90% of classrooms that aren’t special ed are not very wheelchair accessible.

people will automatically assume you’re faking something if you’re not considered dumb enough in their standards to fit in with disabled students (aka high class ableism at its finest)

people are going to give you weird looks if you don’t suddenly start sitting with the other disabled kids

standard backpacks usually dangle way too much to keep on you easily, so try to pack light

built in storage on wheelchairs cannot sufficiently carry books

don’t try to hold an umbrella. Period. Especially not with your teeth. It doesn’t work.

don’t try to give the bus driver your ticket while you’re stuck on the ramp. And speaking of, its easy to start falling down the bus ramp so be careful, and when in doubt throw on the breaks

and finally if you’re like me pray to god you don’t go nonverbal when someone is trying to push you and you don’t want them to because it is hard to get them to stop if you can’t speak

able-bodied people can and should 1000% reblog this, some of these things I’ve seen on tips about using a wheelchair but a lot of these weren’t things I’ve seen

one more thing: adults will refuse to help you and will question your need of a wheelchair, especially if you’re fat. you may be told “you’re going to gain weight, you should really start walking again soon or you’ll die,” even though your arms are screaming at you in pain from rolling yourself around all day. adults will see you struggle to open a door and think it isn’t their problem, even if you very visibly need help, and even if you explicitly ASK for help. the might say that struggling will “build character” as an excuse to ignore the fact that you need help with something.

don’t think that it’s only the other students that will be rude, grown ass adults are just as capable of being assholes.




never let straight girls forget they’re in the same lane as straight boys. dont let them pat themselves on the back for all the “gay ships” (usually comprised of straight men, mind you) they obsess over or how much drag race they watch. straight girls are just as straight as straight boys.

“straight girls are just as straight as straight boys” ??????? what

this might be news sharon, but straight people are straight