





So I’m looking up stuff for types of horses and what sex was used when with knights and stuff and I accidentally bump into a thread arguing the gender of chess pieces.

And it just keeps being weird.

These Heterosexuals are wild.

it is with a heavy heart that i must say the hets are at it again

ilulzmetuna is the ken m of a new generation

Logically if the queen is female then pawns are female also because when a pawn reaches the end of the board it usually becomes a queen. However since a pawn can actually become any piece once at the end of the board, that means if the queen is female, and the pawn can become the queen AND any other piece, then that means knights, rooks, and bishops are female as well.

Therefore, every piece on the chess board is technically female save for the King. Thus that makes the king important because of his reproductive capabilities more than anything else. His lack of mobility and purpose otherwise means that the King is like a drone in a bee hive rather than any kind of important authority.

Tldr: logically all the pieces are female and also bees

logically all pieces are female and also bees

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