We Finally Know How Naked Mole Rats Survive Without Oxygen, and It’s Really Freaking Weird



Instead of sticking to a glucose-based system, which is dependent on oxygen, when a naked mole rat is deprived of oxygen, it switches its metabolism so that its brain cells start burning fructose for energy instead of glucose.  

Fructose can be turned into energy anaerobically – which means it doesn’t require the presence of oxygen to be broken down into cellular energy.

Until now, this anaerobic pathway was thought only to be used by plants.  





We Finally Know How Naked Mole Rats Survive Without Oxygen, and It’s Really Freaking Weird


fwiw I keep seeing Fyre Festival reports that talk about ‘feral dogs’ and implying the guests were in danger, and I can’t find any evidence supporting this. I CAN, however, find multiple reports of a stray dog problem (nicknamed ‘potcakes’ for the food that the locals feed them) that are completely sweet and not at all dangerous on the island they’re staying at.

So, from what I can gather, a bunch of rich kids saw dogs without collars and immediately started talking about FERAL BEASTS WITH UNQUENCHABLE THIRST FOR HUMAN BLOOD!!!! so, that’s fun. 

However, there IS a serious overpopulation of dogs and cats on the island and HERE IS A SITE WHERE YOU CAN ADOPT SOME DOGS!!!! dw they accept out of country adoptions if u do adopt pls name them Fyre Festival as proof that good things can come from hilariously awful circumstances.


i know you’ve all heard more than enough about this fyre festival thing but it is honestly Too Much and i am Obsessed With It

like a bunch of grown ass adults are on Great Exuma, which is the largest and most inhabited cay in the Bahaman district of Exuma. that’s where the capitol city of George Town is. it is by no means a deserted island or desolate wasteland. here’s their website in case you want to know more about this popular tourist locale.

these grown ass adults expected a luxury experience and got a regular camping experience. (all following info from this article) they got large tents which they could have easily shared with each other, but instead they fought over them and at least one person set their tent on fire because they hated it. their food was sub par but far from trash – one person complained that for breakfast they only got “Eggo waffles, cinnamon rolls and room temperature coffee.” here’s the George Town map on their website where you can find the variety of restaurants and grocery stores these dummies could have gone to for sustenance.

a lot of people have compared this hilarious shitshow to ‘Lord of the Flies,’ but that book was about a bunch of little boys during the Cold War crashing against their will on an actually deserted island and surviving for days, maybe even weeks without turning on each other. I won’t deny that the fyre festival people were scammed, but at the end of the day they are adults who paid to be on an inhabited island and only took hours to start looting and rioting.

i’ve seen a lot of people saying we shouldn’t make fun of this because these people are in ‘a terrible situation’ and like…. no they aren’t tho. they are in, at worst, an average situation, which they personally worsened with their greed and petulance.

anyway that’s all the info i have for now on why it’s totally okay to make fun of these idiots, have fun












Seriously, it kills me when I see people hold scientists up as pinnacles of logic and reason.

Because one time the professor I was interning for got punched in the face by another professor, because mine got the funding, and told the other professor his theory was stupid.

This same professor told me to throw rocks to scare the “stupid fucking crabs” into moving so we could count them properly.


thank you

this is one of the best comments this post has recieved

I have witnessed:

Two professors hiding around a corner and snickering, “Shhh, here she comes!” While a female professor approached and, when she finally found them, she proceeded to scream while pointing from one to the other, “You! I called your office but you weren’t there! So I tried to call YOUR office to figure out where HE was but YOU weren’t there!”

Two grad students standing outside a closed and locked door yelling, “Come out of the damn office. You haven’t left for days. If you didn’t have a couch in there I’d be concerned as to where you were sleeping!”

A religious studies professor apologizing for being late to class because, “security stopped me because I’m dressed like a hobbit”

Watched a professor snort the results of my experiment to determine if I had the right final compound.

Two archeology professors toss priceless fossilized teeth back and forth in an attempt to figure out who is smarter by “guessing the type of tooth and species of animal before it lands”

Multiple fully degreed individuals throw dry ice at one another in an attempt to be first to use the lab/get that piece of equipment/or change the iPod song.

A genetics professor build furniture out of stacks of paper and planks of wood because she is that far behind in grading papers/responding. One of the impromptu furniture pieces housed a fish tank.

I could go on but I think that covers the larger portion of the insanity…

Every time it comes around on my dash, it gets better.

– I have had a professor buy a huge fuckoff bottle of rum during fieldwork in Costa Rica and let the undergrads get wasted because “you’re not underage in Costa Rica and we’ll be up all night with the bats anyway!”

– Same professor hung a bat from her headlamp and wore it as a decoration for an entire night. 

– A whole swarm of older women – and these are women with PhDs and world-renown bat experts, the bigwigs – all, to a woman, go to the formal charity dinner at an international research symposium in Toronto in late October dressed in skimpy Batgirl costumes. Because Halloween was that weekend, you see.

– At a different conference, a professor get blackout drunk and pass out on the side of the road. 

– “Yeah, we have to say we did it properly for the grant but to be really honest, Miracle-gro works better.”

– Teaching lab: we had liquid nitrogen for a demo, and after class the professor, the other TA, and I spent a good two hours freezing and breaking things in it. 

a chemistry class begins with 30 students nine months later just six of us left sitting on tables dipping paper into contaminated chemicals to see what happens when we burn it teacher making idle suggestions while he marks our work

“go to the fume hood thing, yeah now put some potassium in chlorine” can i burn the results sir? “fuck it sure whatever its tainted anyway”

The prof I’m working for just asked me if I knew how to pick a lock, and when I responded “yes” she replied, “see, this is why I hire the former delinquents instead of the suck-ups. You’re actually useful.”

I then let her into her office.

“Security stopped me because I’m dressed like a hobbit.” I would bet anything this has happened to Dr. Medievalist.

Semi-related non-academic anecdote: The concert hall security guys tried to throw out our violone player in between performances this spring because they thought he was a homeless guy. Despite the fact that he was wearing concert black… and carrying a violone. There is no more obvious instrument.

One of my English Professors admitted that sometimes “you just have to do a soliloquy” and would phone up the main office of the department on the internal phoneline to recite a Shakespearean monologue at them. No greeting, no warning, just “To be or not to be”.

every time i read this stuff i think about how upset vulcans would be to meet earth’s greatest scientific minds


What’s your opinion on Stephen Colbert?





He’s a transmisogynistic asshole. He’s probably also fatphobic. I know he’s ableist as well. All in all, a vile human being. We have already had a long discussion about proper satire and how it’s supposed to punch up, not down.

http://yourfaveisproblematic.tumblr.com/post/50119377326/stephen-colbert (big cw for transmisogyny and the t slur)

-Mod Egg


Guys. We pissed another fandom off.
– mod Guillermo

Another case of “people are capable of doing both good and bad things, and it’s okay to like them even if they are problematic, but you need to acknowledge that they are in fact problematic and not defend the bad stuff they do just because they also do good stuff”. 

Fandom, it’s okay if you like Colbert. Hell, I like Colbert. His hate of Trump fuels my life. But, he has said some pretty awful things, and maybe he’s gotten better about it since then (not sure when his most recent offense was), but he still did it and it was still wrong. Do I think he actually meant to hurt minorities or oppressed groups? No; I think at his heart he probably isn’t “vile”. But he did hurt them, and I think he should apologize and do better.

Confront people and point out their bullshit, even if you like them. That’s just what people need to start doing in general.

We Finally Know How Naked Mole Rats Survive Without Oxygen, and It’s Really Freaking Weird



Instead of sticking to a glucose-based system, which is dependent on oxygen, when a naked mole rat is deprived of oxygen, it switches its metabolism so that its brain cells start burning fructose for energy instead of glucose.  

Fructose can be turned into energy anaerobically – which means it doesn’t require the presence of oxygen to be broken down into cellular energy.

Until now, this anaerobic pathway was thought only to be used by plants.  





We Finally Know How Naked Mole Rats Survive Without Oxygen, and It’s Really Freaking Weird